We draw shadows diagrams for predict and unwanted effects
What is a shadow diagram?
A shadow diagram is a requirement for planning submissions. It shows how a new development will create shadows.
The shadow analysis reveals potential impacts on areas sensitive to shadows, such as public spaces, communal areas, main streets, and residential outdoor spaces. It also suggests ways to reduce these impacts.
In cities, buildings constantly cast shadows nearby.
As cities grow and change, the extent and duration of these shadows change too.
Over time, this reduces the amount of direct sunlight available for both people and nature.

Why is sun light important?
Sunlight and shadows have a constant impact on people and open spaces throughout the day and year, with variations depending on the season.
Sunlight can encourage outdoor activities, support plant growth, and enhance architectural details like stained glass windows and historical building features.
Conversely, shadows can affect the growth and sustainability of natural elements and the architectural significance of structures.
The potential effects of shadows, including reduced sunlight due to development and new zoning rules, are becoming a significant concern for city councils aiming to accommodate urban growth in a more compact environment.
Shadow Diagrams use computer technology to assess how proposed buildings or developments will cast shadows on neighboring areas. They generate realistic shadow patterns at different times of the day and year.
These simulations are valuable tools for evaluating the impact of various projects, whether they involve small home additions or large high-rise buildings, and aid in the planning and design process.
When is a shadow diagram necessary?

Review Requirement: All Development Applications for new construction or building additions must undergo a review to determine if they might create shadows.
Importance of Shadow Study: Conducting a shadow study is crucial for the success of your planning application. It helps local planners make informed decisions by assessing how a proposed development will affect its surroundings in terms of shadow casting.
Shadow Study Details: Shadow studies can depict the shadows produced by a proposed development throughout the year. Typically, industry-standard evaluation times are December 21st, March 21st, and June 21st, at 9 am, 12 noon, and 3 pm. These times correspond to the Winter and Summer solstices and the Spring Equinox, covering the entire range of shadow lengths.
Difference from Daylight Analysis: It’s important not to confuse a shadow study with a daylight analysis, which calculates how much light an existing building will lose due to a proposed development.
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“Delivered what i wanted in a very quick turn around. Thank you very much”
“Great work and beautiful diagrams! Would recommend the seller 100%!”
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