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Thông tin liên lạc

Contact Febhouse


We are delighted that you have reached out to Febhouse. Please feel free to share your feedback, questions, or comments regarding Eco-Architecture and Sustainable Development with us. We are always eager to listen and provide dedicated support.

Contact Information for Febhouse:

Address: Hyundai Hillstate – Ha Cau – Hanoi

Phone: 0939241287 Email:

Kindly leave your message below or reach out to us via the provided email address. We will respond to you as soon as possible.

If you wish to collaborate with us, contribute to the Eco-Architecture community, or discuss ongoing projects, please do not hesitate to get in touch so we can engage in discussions and cooperation.

We sincerely appreciate your interest and support for the Eco-House. We believe that through connection and collaboration, we can contribute to building a more sustainable and beautiful future for our planet.

Best regards, Febhouse

Ask me a question

[ Most frequent questions and answers ]

Frequently asked questions

You have three revision opportunities during the Concept phase. During the Construction Design phase, there are limited revision options due to their impact on the project’s timeline and potential additional fees for redesign.

We will deliver the entire design source files to you upon the completion of the contract.

We will refund 50% of the Design fee when you select us as the full construction contractor (construction fee > 1 billion VND).

When you purchase the service package, you can inquire about anything related to the design documentation of your house. We will provide answers based on scientific knowledge and practicality.

You have full rights to use images of your house. However, you should include a line stating that the design is by Febhouse.

Yes, please do. Contact me beforehand so that I can provide you with a customized offer that best suits your needs and establish clear terms. Afterward, I will proceed to confirm the pricing and project timeline.

Yes, you can send me a message, and I will send you a PDF file with all the projects we have completed to date.