Analysis 2022-08-25admin0 Comments Shadows and wind analysis + shade solution These are the basic analysis to serve the architectural design. Orientate your home to make best use of sunlight and winds. I hope it will be useful to you.I give permission to use the image of the video to include in your presentation. See other directions at my channel: #febhouse South East - Shadows and wind analysis + shade solution East - Shadows and wind analysis + shade solution North West - Shadows and wind analysis + shade solution North East - Shadows and wind analysis + shade solution West - Shadows and wind analysis + shade solution South - Shadows and wind analysis + shade solution South West - Shadows and wind analysis + shade solution North - Shadows and wind analysis + shade solutionNỏ #optimum building #architectural #shadowsandwinds #greenarchitecture #greendesign #kientrucxanh #kientruc #kientrucbenvung #sunpath #wind admin Khi Kiến trúc sư đi mua nhà2022-08-05Increase feasibility, develop the masterplan with FebHouse’s house model2022-10-20 Related Posts Analysis 2024-07-23admin Sun path diagram tutorial I have updated the tutorial to make it... Analysis 2022-10-20admin Increase feasibility, develop the masterplan with FebHouse’s house model You are a talent plannerYou have a great...